We did it: Dzemail Ibraimovic is allowed to stay with us

28. February 2017 0

We did it: Dzemail Ibraimovic stays with us!

Our reliable and hardworking colleague, friend and co-worker, Dzemail Ibraimovic, was close to being deported. Dzemail Ibraimovic has been working in our hotel since February 2015 and supports us daily with his effort and efficiency. He is much appreciated within the team and our guests enjoy his friendliness and good service daily.

Dzemail Ibraimovic has three children and a wife. His kids go to Bad Lauterberg´s primary school and attend the Protestant religious education school. His daughters are among the best pupils in class. He earns his own money, pays taxes and for his health insurance like any other working fellow citizen.

He and his family faced deportation!

We didn´t give up!

Their possible deportation is hard to understand as a fellow citizen of Germany! We supported Dzemail.

Everyone is talking about the lack of specialists, and that motivated workers are desperately sought for especially when it comes to the hotel industry and gastronomy; almost every second business within Germany has trouble to fill their job openings with suitable personnel – but nonetheless, integrated, hardworking refugees who are willing to help and work hard are supposed to be deported? Gastronomy lives from diversity and open mindedness. Why should a motivated and appreciated employee who is also a fully integrated refugee not be able to work in Germany without any restrictions?

We demanded: an unrestricted work permit and that Dzemail Ibraimovic and his family should be allowed to stay here in Germany! We collected signatures from our employees against the deportation of our much-appreciated colleague!

Due to the great response of our society we were able to raise awareness. We are still overwhelmed by all the support which was given to Dzemail Ibraimovic and his family. Special thanks go to the Refugee Council who has been very helpful and supportive.

Dzemail Ibraimovic´s wish came true: Our much-appreciated colleague, friend and co-worker stays with us and we are delighted to announce that Dzemail has started his apprenticeship at our hotel!

Thank you all very very much for the support!

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